Customize Navigation Menu widgets in sidebars

The Navigation Menu widget allows you to display a custom menu on a registered sidebar… The widget is not customizable as it does not provide any options, fortunately, there’s a hook for that. The widget outputs the menu using the standard wp_nav_menu() function and passes its arguments through the widget_nav_menu_args filter. Using this filter you may modify things

Add a Google Map API Key to Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)

The Google Map field in ACF is an interactive map field featuring a search input, location finder and a draggable marker. Sometimes you may be presented with a nasty error message instead of a map. Here is how you fix it. The error message above is displayed instead of the map field when a Google API

Change the default WooCommerce template directory in your theme

WooCommerce template files can be easily overridden by copying files to a specific directory in your theme. Learn how to change this to match your own theme file structure. WooCommerce template files contain the markup and structure of the store frontend and HTML emails. All you need to do to override template files is to make a directory named

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